Toddler Meals (June 01 - 05)

~ Posted on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 8:51 AM ~

I really need to buckle up and be more creative with Ben's meal planning. Ever since I got pregnant, I realised I've been slacking off and after discussions with hubby, we decided to work together to plan proper meals for Ben - as in sneaking in more veggies into his meals and making sure he's eating more variety of foods compared to his usual oats and noodle stuff.

I have yet to go for our next grocery shop, so for now, I have to make do with what we have on hand. I'm writing this post out to remind myself not to ever slack off with Ben's meals and to be serious with what goes into him as well.

I will try to snap pictures whenever I can (you might noticed pictures of tea time and dinner missing for these few days whooppsss..) of what I'm feeding him from this month onwards so that I can have a daily reminder of this. And also, you may noticed there's no veggies in Ben's meals too.. sigh.. my fault, my fault... when Ben started solids at 6 months old, I am all about home made puree of fruits and veggies and all... but after he turned 1 year old, I have not been disciplined enough to keep it up. I am not a veggie person and I think that's why Ben's meals nowadays doesn't have veggies in it too.

So with this toddler meals planning and documenting, I want to tell and remind myself to be disciplined and consistent in including veggies as well as providing nutritious foor for Ben from now on. So, hopefully after our grocery shopping you will be able to see more meal pictures with veggies in it.

1st June 2011 - Breakfast: Cheese omelette, 2 baked fish fingers (cut into cubes, each cube top with mini slices of cheese),dipping sauce (tomato & mayo), a bottle of Vitagen

Toddler Meals

2nd June 2011 - Breakfast:
Banana Milk Smoothies with Banana Organic Oats
(10-11 tsps of oats cooked for about 2mins)
Toddler Meals
2nd June 2011 - Lunch: Pancake
(5 tbsp wheat flour, 2 eggs, pinch of salt),
Konnyaku jelly, a bottle of Vitagen.
Toddler Meals
3rd June 2011 - Breakfast:
Fried Kuey Teow with Egg,
a cup of diluted Ribena
Toddler Meals
3rd June 2011 - Lunch:
1 Banana (sliced), 1 Cheddar cheese (sliced),
Konnyaku jelly.
Toddler Meals
4th June 2011 - Breakfast:
2 pcs of Vienna sausages, 3/4 Cheddar cheese
mix with 1 scrambled egg.
(* Ben was so attracted to the 'octopus' sausages hahaha...)
Toddler Meals
4th June 2011 - Tea:
2 hard boiled eggs with mayo dip
(Ben ate 1 egg only)
Toddler Meals
4th June 2011 - Dinner:
Of course NOT the whole pot!
Ben had some fishballs & tofu from the steambot pot.
(*We had a birthday party for Ben's cousin Isaac.)
Toddler Meals
5th June 2011 - Breakfast: Organic Oats
(10 tsp) mixed with 1oz of carrot,
each spoonful topped with some cereals,
1 bottle of Vitagen
Toddler Meals
5th June 2011 - Dinner: Prepared by hubby.
A bowl of egg mayo
(with mashed corns, carrots, peas),
few bites of fish fillets. The rest goes to mummy...
Toddler Meals

I am continuosly looking for more choices (if possible easy and fast to make or those I can prepare the night before) as I need to start planning and timing all this before Spicy Baby comes along in September. I need to consider that maybe during the 1st month after delivery that I am still exhausted (recuperating from labor and also settling down with Spicy Baby) and other people (such as hubby and my MIL) will need to take over my roles in feeding Ben during that time.

So I hope to be able to post up pictures of Ben's meals as we go along from this month onwards to serve as a guide and reminder.

Thank you for reading and if you have any websites on toddler's recipe, do share it with me!

Current websites recommended and those I found:,,,

I'm a full-time mummy