I've blogged before on why I should not force my toddler to take picture with me... This is the reason why...

And AGAIN why I never learned my lesson...because yes, we BOTH NEVER LEARNED... and CHANGED!!!

So I thought, if I can't change him, perhaps there are more subtle ways to mask this ermm... embarrassing display of 'affection' from my 3 year old toddler... I mean, he will still picks his nose no matter what... so, this is what I do... I get him to take picture with me again...

See, I told you, embarrassing habits are kinda hard to kick off... it's like:
Me: "Ben, come take picture with mummy!"
What Ben hears: *Hey Ben, come dig your nose and pose in front the camera! *
So, read on next step...
I just tell him to cover his nose and make sure nobody see him picking his nose. And wow, he immediately listens and does it! I will definitely (but slowly) get him to kick away this habit in time!

But until then, if you see my boy covering his nose, we all know what he is doing...
Wish us both luck!