Sorry for being so quiet on my blog lately, have been busy rushing to compile and submit my hubby's business taxes (in Malaysia, individual with business income need to submit their taxes by 30th June), and hubby's aunt came down from Sydney for 1 week holiday (she's going back later tonight) and you know, SAHM life with 2 hyper active kids...
Oh well, just want to share a recent event where I was gobsmacked at what my 3 year old boy did during his Sunday school classes. As usual, the routines in the class would be, singing songs, storytime, offerings and prayers, wash hands, snacks and crafts time and free play after everything is done (most of the kids will be gone after crafts time actually).
So anyway, last Sunday, we did everything and Ben wanted to play with some of the dinosaur toys in the class. So I thought, OK, it's not often Ben behave so well and I should not stop him from playing these toys when he asked so politely. I told him to pick just a couple of the dinosaurs and play for a while.
Out of curiosity, I asked him whether he could draw one of the dinosaur (T-rex actually) for mummy so we can show it to daddy later (daddy is in the main church hall listening to the sermon).
To my surprise, Ben took one of the color pencils and started drawing. Okay, doodling more like it, but while he was drawing it, he told me 'This is the head, the eyes, the 2 hands, and the body, and the long long tail and the 2 legs'.
Oh my... and when I looked at his drawings, I was really surprised and yep...
Gobsmacked at what my 3 year old boy did!
It may not look like a dinosaur but to me, it is the most beautiful thing ever!

It's just amazing that I almost cried with joy!
I think I can understand why parents put up their childrens drawings on the fridge and wall!