Few months back, I asked around on my blog FB page for the immunization health cards of kiddos all around the world and compiled those that I received.
What prompted me to find out more and compiled the data? It was during a family visit and my brother in law was telling us about the jabs his daughter received few days before our visit and I was wondering why is she getting the jab when it was not even listed in our kiddo's immunization health card?!

** Image Credit: Google search
You can have a look at the Comparison of Immunization Schedules.pdf (1.34 mb) PDF file and see for yourself how the age requirements differs by each hospitals, states, countries.
What's my take after seeing all the different details in the compiled file? As a parent, I believe in vaccinations but only those listed in our kiddos' immunization health cards. We will also delay the jabs if our kiddo is not feeling well prior to the jab appointment. I also delayed the MMR jabs for our older 2 kiddos (they got the jab at 18 months instead of 12 months). Also, try not to go for those multiple jabs in 1 shot type, MMR jab has 3 in 1. I've heard of 5/6 jabs in 1 shot, I think that's a bit too much for a baby to handle.
If you want to find out more about immunization, read up the following links:
* WHO Immunization
* CDC Immunization Schedules for Infants and Children in Easy-to-read Formats
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