I posted a giveaway for the Lovable Labels Wire Tags a month ago and it's now past 21st June 2011 already, which means the giveaway is closed and I'm now announcing the lucky winner!

I'm just going to cut short my usual explanations of how I came to compile, select, tally the entries and then randomly picked the winner using Random.org. So below is the lucky winner:
* The winner is: ro20del********
Congratulations to you! I have just sent an email to you to get your further details! You have 48 hours to respond to my email before I pick another winner! As for the rest who participated in the giveaway, thank you for entering, better luck next time, OK? A note of thanks as well to Lovable Labels for sponsoring the Wire Tag label pack to my lucky blog visitor / reader!

On another note, I would also like to take this opportunity to hand out this "The Reader Appreciation Award" to the following blog readers of mine who faithfully and regularly commented on my blog posts.
I truly appreciate you guys and enjoy getting your comments. Please keep them coming. It's comments from you guys that keep me inspired and motivated to blog on!
So without further ado, please accept them with my sincerest thanks from the bottom of my heart!
The award goes to (in no particular order):
* Suhaila from sumijelly * Germaine from mom2kiddos * Aries (you gave me this award, so yes, I'm giving it back to you! :D) * aurie * Dominique * Steph * Catheryn from PinkBibs * And those that I don't have their blog URLs: Miki and Carmen
To those that I have left out, please accept my apologies. I will try to include more in the next giveaway winner post if I left out anyone. Those names listed above, go ahead and accept it, you guys deserve it!