You know how the saying goes on "Walk the talk"? According to Wiktionary, this phrase meant: "To do what one said one could do, or would do, not just making empty promises."
So yeah... I have NOT been walking MY talk! I admit it! And the more I think about it, the more guilty I felt!
I think it started when I was about 36 weeks pregnant when I got an invitation from my high school friend to her twin's 1 year old birthday party. I politely thanked her and declined the invitation saying I think I should stay home as much as possible now since Spicy Baby will be due anytime already...
And the next thing I know, we were out for an impromptu family outing to the National Zoo.
Ben trying to show his shoes to the elephant
Ben reaching for the ice cream...
Then when I was 37 weeks pregnant, I got an invitation to attend my cousin's wedding on 30th August and although at first I wanted to go, I decided to decline after that as I don't think it's nice to hog 3 seats for the wedding dinner and then went into labor and wasted the 3 seats. I did however passed along my angpow (token of money) to my brother who attended the dinner.
So anyway, I declined the wedding dinner and the next thing I know, we went on another impromptu family outing to Genting Highlands. I basically just pushed the stroller along everywhere (and went to the loo VERY often!) and the only ride I get to enjoy is the monorail, the rest, hubby went on with Ben while I sat and rest somewhere and waited for them.
Ben with his toy gun on our way to Genting...
All the stuff we lugged along during the day trip...
Then when I was 38 weeks pregnant, a senior from my high school messaged me through Facebook asking whether I want to join her and 2 other seniors for dinner at a shopping mall on Saturday and again, citing the reasons that I think I should stay home and not venture out much, I politely thanked her and declined the offer.
And, yeap... you guessed it... on the very same day, we went out for a lunch date with my best friend and her sister, and the lunch outing turned into a window shopping activity at a newly refurbished mall, then tea time, then a very impromptu movie date (watched Cars 2) and then a late dinner outing since there was a heavy traffic jam on the way back to their place.
Ben watching Cars 2 and tried his first popcorn...
And now, at 39 weeks pregnant, I've already declined 2 more wedding invitations and 1 baby full moon party and yeap... we went for another family outing to KL Bird Park (the last time we went there was sometime back). It was quite tiring by the time we finished walking the WHOLE park and all I did was just walk! Either Ben walked himself or hubby pushed Ben when there is uphill slope while I used the staircase. But it was really hot and I guessed that makes it more tiring!
Ben laughing at one of the bird near his stroller...
Ben playing with daddy while I rested...
There were few other occassions where we went window shopping for hours as well in between my 36 weeks of pregnancy until now...
So I was thinking the more I declined offers or invitations to do something, the more I ended up doing activities during my pregnancy stage! I just can't walk my talk! Arghhhhhhh!!!