I have been cutting down on doing product reviews ever since our 3rd kiddo came along in end of Sept 2013 and especially now with 4th kiddo due in mid of November 2016. I do still accept review pitches but only when time permits and if it is something that I can see it being useful and beneficial to our family. Also, as busy as I am with 3 kiddos, being preggy, home cooking, educating our kiddos, taking care of hubby's administration site of the business and swamped up with managing my FB page and blog, I just can't say no to reviewing products from a big brand name like Chicco, a well- established brand from Italy since 1958 and have been in Malaysia for 13 years now. All the more I gotta say yes!

About the company:
"Chicco has been in Malaysia for almost 13 years however, the brand started since 1958. Back in Italy, Chicco owns a baby research centre called the Osservatorio Chicco. Our research centre studies kids of age 0 to 5 years old psycho-physical, emotional and social need. The first few years are a vital period for the growth of all children, a period which full of significant changes and physical and psychological needs, for them and the families. We design our products based on our baby research."

We received 3 products from Chicco for our review and today's post will be on "Chicco London Up Stroller". I chose the Red Wave color (there is one in Blue Wave) as I personally like the striking colors (can see from far hahahaha) as well as most of our baby products are in red anyway (the OCD-ness in me wants to match everything in a color hahahaha)
We brought the stroller along during a recent family outing at a nearby mall. Hubby practised opening and closing the stroller once before we head out and he said it is easy to handle the stroller, also very light-weight as well. Once we reached the mall, our 2.5-year-old girl eagerly stood nearby waiting for daddy to get ready her new stroller.
Please note that we are a set of cautious parents and would want to strap our kiddos safely wherever they are but when the pictures below were taken, being a boisterous and very smart cookie, she refused to be strapped by the 5 strap safety harness because we were getting ready to have our very late dinner at a Japanese restaurant. You can see herself being happy and delighted to be seated in her stroller while we have our food.

Once dinner was done, we strapped her up real nice and got our 4.5-year-old girl to push the stroller to see whether it was easy for her to handle and maneuver it or not. Big sis happily pushes her little sister along while we rushed to some shops for my very urgent last minute shopping on pregnancy clothing hahaha.. I like that the stroller is light-weight enough for our 4.5-year-old girl to be able to push along her little sister, very easy to maneuver and she really enjoys pushing her little sister everywhere, even at some points, racing away from us!

Look at the amount of damage shopping I've done! I'm so happy that I can hang the shopping bags onto the stroller's handles! Unlike our previous stroller which has a single handle bar and I need to get some small gadgets to hook onto the handle in order to carry some bags, the Chicco London Up Stroller just makes my shopping life easier!

Now what I like about this stroller is that it caters from newborn stage up to 15kg which is very good for us! It also has 4 reclining positions which you can easily adjusts single-handedly. I also adore the big netting storage basket right below the seat. It can really store lots of things! Btw, the stroller also comes with a transparent rain cover but we just keep it in storage as we don't use it at the moment.
Also would like to share that it really doesn't take up much space in our car boot, even with the 3rd row of seats being used up, we still have enough space to put in the stroller!

Overall, a very good product that is versatile and caters to your growing child from even newborn stage! We love it!

You can check out Chicco stores and also shop online at http://www.chicco.com.my/product_info_704001-101029.htm

Do note that I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the products in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine.
** Note: I have disabled the commenting feature on my blog engine thanks to all the spammers who happily spam my blog every day. If you wish to ask me any questions, you can find me at my Facebook page (I'm there almost everyday) or just drop me an email if you wish to maintain some anonymity.