As a busy mum with 5 kiddos between 6 months old to 10-years old, I have started cutting down on doing product reviews to focus on my childcare and family life, home cooking, education, helping with hubby's administration site of the business and sharing informational articles on my FB fan page so I am only accepting and prioritizing products that can fit into our family dynamics (especially books on parenting or educational stuff, family products, something along those genre)! Reading is my passion and coupled with books that are of parenting, children, family or religion or educational genre, all the more I gotta say yes!

Title: The Brilliant Deep: Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs: The Story of Ken Nedimyer and the Coral Restoration Foundation
Author: Kate Messner, Matthew Forsythe (Illustrator)
Publisher: Chronicle Books (May 8, 2018)
ISBN-13: 978-1452133508
Paperback: 48 pages
Description from the product page:
"All it takes is one: one coral gamete to start a colony, one person to make a difference, one idea to change the world. The ongoing efforts to save and rebuild the world's coral reefs—with hammer and glue, and grafts of newly grown coral—are the living legacy of Ken Nedimyer, founder of the Coral Restoration Foundation. Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe tell the true story of the coral restoration pioneer in this brilliant tribute to the wonders of nature and the power of human hope."

We received the "The Brilliant Deep" book for our review, coincidentally a day after I saw this video on Facebook highlighting an an accidental discovery which is giving new hope for coral reefs. The book was packed nicely in a cardboard which you can recycle further for doodling, crafts, and more.

This book tells of the story of a boy who fell in love with the ocean and grows up learning and researching as much as he could and trying his best to save it from further damage. The illustrations are beautifully done and eye catching as well.
There are so many ways to use this book! You can use it to educate your child(ren) on science (habitat, life cycle, cause-effect), nature preservation, volunteerism and much more. At the end of the book, there are some key points to take note on how we (or our children) can help. I think this is good as it tells us no matter how big or small we are, how we think we might not impact anything, in the end, every little bit of contribution does help towards the big picture in conservation and preservation.

Overall, a very gorgeous and insightful book to have!

You can find out more about this book from

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a copy of the book in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous book reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My Book Reviews"
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