The Joy of LOVE - When You Love Them The Most

~ Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011 at 12:20 PM ~

Today's prompt is: "What really makes you tick about your loved one? What do they do to go out of their way to make sure you are happy and that you have a great day?"

I love it when my dear hubby spends his time with Ben, despite his busy, busy, and very busy schedule and that he had to go sleep later than usual to finish up his work so that Ben get to spend some quality time with him. And I get to have some time off to relax and rest (especially now that I'm expecting) and I really appreciate these sweet gestures from hubby.

So here's my submissions for the day:

Picture below showing Ben wearing this gift box (he thinks it's his helmet and always called it 'helm') while riding on his pretend motorbike made out of Mega Bloks toy by daddy who had been forced to wear the mini size cap (meant for Ben) cos Ben thinks daddy deserves to wear a 'helm' too since he's wearing one!

Picture below showing hubby teaching Ben how to press the water spray and how excited and curious Ben was at the sight of the water jetting out from the spray. I get about an hour of 'me' time just relaxing and sitting there watching them play at the balcony.

And why I love these moments the most?

Just look at Ben's happy face when he gets to play with daddy!

The Joy of LOVE - Wedding Band

~ Posted on Monday, February 14, 2011 at 3:36 PM ~

Today's prompt is: "Capture that wedding band on his finger today."

Now, this is the closest picture I can find that shows my hubby's hand (with his wedding ring) and my then 2 weeks old dear Benjamin.

So here's my submission for the day:

Hubby wiping 2 weeks old Ben after his sponge bath...

A bit of story about this picture:

As Chinese, most of us expecting parents will rush to hire a confinement lady (kinda like a doula but they only work after the child's birth and normally for a month duration) and with Ben, we wanted everything to be in place too. We hired our confinement lady (CL) when I was 7th month pregnant and was all ready and counting down to the few months left before Ben's arrival.

Unfortunately, our CL broke her leg during a holiday trip 2 weeks before I was due to deliver and at the last minute, we were not able to find any replacement and we decided maybe this is God's way of telling us to trust onto Him when all things fail (and also that we shouldn't really plan everything too far ahead and not trust on Him!)  So, hubby took a month off work to be my confinement lady (CL) after I delivered Ben. And yeah, we ended up doing our own confinement and as a result, we bonded closer with each other and with Ben too and not to mention, we save quite a bit of money from not needing to hire the CL.

And so, for the first month, hubby practically took care of caring for Ben (other than feeding cos I direct breastfeed Ben since we brought him home from the hospital). Hubby bathed Ben, changed his diapers, clothes, everything.

So this picture really brings back lots of sweet memories and I'm glad to have this awesome man as my hubby! (And yeah, he's going to be my confinement lady again when our second child comes along heheheh..)

Oh, and did I tell you that this ring was worn since we first started going out as a couple? That was like back in 1999!

The Joy of LOVE - The Eyes

~ Posted on Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 11:43 PM ~

Today's prompt is: "Today I want you to take a crisp photo of your loved ones eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul, to try to truly capture your loved one's eyes today. "

Oh boy... I just love today's prompt! That's because I personally think Ben's eyes are one of his best features! (Cos' lots of people say he got those big eyes from ehem... me... heheheh...) So here's my submission for the day:

The Joy of LOVE - The Eyes
Cheeky eyes...
The Joy of LOVE - The Eyes
Crybaby eyes...
The Joy of LOVE - The Eyes
Curious eyes...
The Joy of LOVE - The Eyes
Cheerful eyes...

Read: Matthew 6:22 (NIV) ~ “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light."