Was planning to go grocery shopping and decided to turn it into a teaching and learning moment. Got our 6 years old boy a piece of paper and pen for him to write down MY grocery list hehehe...
As I said out the words, I paused and wait, making sure he knows how to spell the words and writing it correctly.

Now why this falls into the 'Teaching & Learning Moments!'?
* I get to expose and teach our kiddos to help out with some housechores.
* I get to teach our boy to practise their handwriting skills.
* Our boy gets to practise his listening skill.
* Our boy gets to practise his spelling.
* I get to instil a sense of responsibilities in our boy as I entrust the list to him to strike off the items we managed to get during our grocery shopping trip.
* I get to boost his sense of accomplishments for being mummy's little helper!
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