Book Review - 52 Things Kids Need from a Mom (Angela Thomas)

~ Posted on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 9:48 PM ~

(** Article first published as Book Review: 52 Things Kids Need from a Mom by Angela Thomas on Blogcritics.)

I've mentioned before that I'm always scouting for good books on parenting, Christianity, children and so on and when I saw this book's availability on NetGalley, I immediately asked to review it. And yes, one more book I came to love! Here is my review of this book from Angela Thomas entitled: "52 Things Kids Need from a Mom".

Author: Angela Thomas
Publisher:  Harvest House Publishers (September 1, 2011)
ISBN-13: 978-0736943918
Hardcover: 224 pages

Product Dimensions: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Description from the Amazon product page:

"Bestselling author and mother of four children Angela Thomas brings her trademark storytelling and biblical teaching to this book of encouragement for moms who, in the daily whir of busyness, long to connect with their kids in new ways.

With compassion and creativity, Angela presents 52 inspirations to help moms experience intentional mothering, intentional living, and intentional joy as they:
* talk to their child as though he is fascinating
* learn to play one video game
* plan activities that set a child up for success
* be the groovy mom once in a while
* make memories and savor them

Moms at all phases of parenting can adopt one idea a week or try several at once. This is a fun, guilt-free resource to help every mom lead with God’s love and delight in the small moments that make up an abundant life."

I like that each tips are broken down into 2-3 pages, easier to read and continue on.

Below are some of the pages I've bookmarked on my iPad while I was reading this book:

* Page 10-Being a mom means you might never be alone again 

* Page 16-Never stop touching them. The gift of your enduring affection will become one of the greatest gifts ever give to their souls.

* Page 34-Jesus said it clearly, "All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No' (Matthew 5:37)" What Jesus meant was, be clear about your intention and don't say anything that you don't mean. Let your word be your promise. And don't embellish your words to try to manipulate your own way.

* Page 35-Kids need their mom to keep her word because we are training them to be like Jesus and we are building their sense of security, teaching them  how to trust in someone who is trustworthy.

* Page 40-Our kids need us to teach them what to do when we have been misunderstood and misrepresented. They need to see us respond to difficult people and difficult circumstances. 

* Page 76-When we talk to our children at every age like they are fascinating, we are transferring to them a deep security. It's a gift of love that can never be taken away from them. To know that you are adored by your mom is a treasure that gives you strength for a lifetime.

* Page 147-Our job is to look for their strengths and champion the very best of who they can become.

* Page 186-You know, you think you teach them right, and you pray that you have given them a respect for others, but what a blessing when you know it's taken hold in their souls.

* Page 192-Ask God what to do and how to respond before you say a word.

* Page 200-Don't waste your time on a fool. "Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words (Provers 23:9)"

In summary, this book emphasize highly on encouraging mums like us to connect with our child no matter how busy our daily life may be. I am inspired with most of the tips given in this book which not only helps greatly in our children development, it also helps me as a mum to do my very best in being involved in every possible way during my child's growing years. I am so glad to review this book and it will definitely stay in my iPad for repeated readings!  

You can also purchase the book from Amazon.

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with a galley proof of the book via my association with netGalley as a reviewer in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous book reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My Book Reviews"

Toddler Meals (Aug 01 - 07)

~ Posted on Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 10:03 PM ~

Pictures of meals are getting less since quite a number of the meals served to Ben have been featured in previous posts of toddler's meals. Continuing on with Ben's meals for August 1st to 7th...

01 August
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, grapes, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Oat crackers, tuna, mix fruit juice, a boiled egg, some jelly cake
Tea - 2 mini red bean buns
Dinner - Rice, tofu, egg

Toddler Meals
Lunch on August 01
Toddler Meals
Dinner on August 01

02 August
Breakfast - 1 slice of French toast, cheese omelette, a cup of diluted Ribena
Lunch - 1 mini red bean bun, cornflakes, some spaghetti, mushroom soup
Tea - Yogurt
Dinner - Rice, ABC soup, carrots, tofu (square), chicken

Toddler Meals
Breakfast on August 02

03 August
Breakfast - Oats, cornflakes, carrots, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Chocolate UHT Milk, 1 egg tart
Tea - Yogurt, strawberry UHT milk
Dinner - Oats, carrots

04 August
Breakfast - Oats, crunched pillow biscuits, a bottle of Vitagen, some papaya
Lunch - Noodle with poached egg
Tea - Egg tart
Dinner - A cup of diluted Ribena, rice, Japanese tofu, potatoes, chicken, choc UHT milk

Toddler Meals
Lunch on August 04

05 August
Breakfast - Cheese omelette (hubby made) & a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Biscuits
Tea - Cornflakes, half peach melba sponge cake
Dinner - Oats, a cup of soya milk
Supper - Choc UHT milk

06 August
Breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Cornflakes, a choc UHT milk
Tea - Oat crackers, strawberry UHT milk
Dinner - Rice, pork, steamed egg, fishball

07 August
Breakfast - Oats, crunched pillow biscuits, a bottle of Vitagen
Lunch - Oats crackers, strawberry UHT milk
Tea - Oats crackers
Dinner - Fish fillet (mixed with vege), half cheese omelette, a cup of diluted Ribena

Toddler Meals
Dinner on August 07
I'm a full-time mummy

Our Potty Training Tricks? Just BE AWESOME!

~ Posted on Friday, August 5, 2011 at 8:43 AM ~

Few weeks ago, I blogged about potty training Ben with briefs and stickers and how it is starting to pay off in 3 days time. So I thought of sharing the tricks up on our sleeves on the things that works for us and Ben.

Of course, each child is different and I'm in no way saying that our method is the best (or that you should follow it 100%), just want to say these are the tricks that works for us. And I hereby trademark our potty training tricks as:

Before I begin, I would like to state down some disclaimers first:

* All the tricks listed below are based on our own experience, trials and errors.

* Again, I am in no way trying to say it is the best way to go for potty training. Like I said, each child is different. What works for Ben might not work for your child. After all, you have to consider their age, readiness, temperament, who's in-charge, and many other factors as well when you go into potty training.

* The tricks are currently for potty training Ben on his peeing. I have yet to embark on pooping process (will only do so when peeing is successful!)

* If you decide to share this approach with your friends and/or family members, please do remember to credit or link back to my website, after all, it's not easy coming up with this "BE AWESOME" keywords, OK?!!!

(Approaches listed below are in no particular order, other than for making up the words "BE AWESOME"! Hehehe...)


Some of Ben's favorite: Lightning McQueen, Bumblebee of Transformer & a Construction Digger

- If possible, get those with designs on them featuring characters they like!

- Start out with small steps, for me, I started by training Ben during the daytime

- I do have some exceptions in this approach, meaning Ben will be wearing his diapers during nap & sleeping time and also when we go out and I also do not force Ben to wear briefs if he doesn't want to, I mean, we as adults also would not want to be forced into doing something we don't like right?


- If you are training your boy to use potty, it would be particularly helpful if your husband can bring your child along and let your child sees him when he pees. Let them know how it is done!

- Same goes for girls, if you are training your daughter, then YOU show her how it's done


** Image from Google search

- You seriously need to have loads and loads of patience the moment you decided to embark into potty training. Never never never give up!


- Why weekend? There is more time to focus on potty training of course! And it'll be great if your spouse is also around to help you out with the potty training

- With Ben, I noticed that he was so eager to use the potty during the weekends as he wanted to impress his daddy (and perhaps let daddy know his progress so that he could get his bicycle soon?!)

- Also, as my hubby mostly works during weekdays, it is a great relieve off my burden that he can help me out during some of the running to the bathroom to pee in the potty part as I was really getting tired at one point  - imagine being 8 months+ pregnant and RUNNING to the bathroom with your toddler every half an hour (or faster if Ben drinks more water)


- For me, since I love doing book reviews, I started looking out for books particularly on Potty books or Potty iPad apps

- If possible, get books or materials (even Youtube videos) showing how children around your child's age learn to use potty

- My advice is if you are training your boy to use a potty, get books or materials showing BOYS (not girls) using potty, this is so  that they can relate to themselves (I mean you wouldn't want your daughter to pee standing up right?)


- For me, I Googled around and found some examples of potty training chart and then made one specially to cater for Ben's potty training. Our potty training chart allows us to put on stickers for any potty actions that Ben achieved (and I made sure those stickers are stinkingly cute too!)

- Having a chart for potty training allows your child to see his/her progress and Ben gets excited when he gets to put on the stickers everytime after he pees!


Ben standing in front of his potty training chart...

- Make sure the reward/goal is something your child desperately wants to have

- For Ben's case, my hubby promised Ben a bicycle if he's off diapers (we used the term "big boy")


** Image from Google search

- On the first day of potty training, Ben wets himself twice in 10 minutes and he was not able to tell me that he needs to pee. I was of course sad with the realisation of that but I kept to myself, put on a cheerful face and explained to Ben gently that "It's OK for Ben to wet himself, mummy will wipe the floor, no worries, and maybe the next time when Ben feels like wanting to pee, Ben can tell mummy first?"

- I repeated the above sentence often, gently and carefully not to put any pressure on him and I also told myself, do not expect miracle on the first day!

- Thank God from then on, the potty training gets smoother and was I so glad to know Ben started learning and can tell me when he needs to pee!

- Accidents should not be made into a big hoo-hah, just reassure your child that it's OK, we'll try again next time


** Image from Google search

- For an 8 months+ preggy mum, I run with my toddler to the bathroom the moment he says he need to pee (tiring yes, but it's fun for him when he feels it's so exciting and it also make him feel important that mummy has to drop off whatever she's doing and just focus on him immediately!)

- I also taught him to flush away his pee in the toilet seat (made him feel he's doing an important task too!)

So, the above tricks are what's working for Ben and us so far. If an 8 months+ preggy mum like me can do it (just imagine  on the first day of potty training, you're down on  your knees on the floor, wiping piss few times in half an hour), so can you! And I did mentioned that I really really RUN to the bathroom with Ben everytime he needs to pee right? So, yeah, I think you can totally try the above tricks!

Do let me know if you decide to try our tricks above and whether it's working out for your child.

Good luck and keep your chin up!