iPad App Review - Five Little Monkeys With Nothing to Do

~ Posted on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 8:55 PM ~

I'm so glad I bought my iPad few months ago. Good investment choice as I get to do more reviews on books and iPad apps! Who would've guessed one day I could be brave enough to request doing reviews on iPad apps?!!

Anyhooo, I received a press release on the 4th omBook (Oceanhouse Media digital book) in the "Five Little Monkeys" series and immediately replied with my interest to review it. This is my 2nd reviews for the "Five Little Monkeys" series, the first one being "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". Anyway, my review as below...

* Title: Five Little Monkeys With Nothing to Do
* Price: $2.99
* Category: Books
* Released: Jul 26, 2011
* Current Version: 1.08 (iOS 4.0 Tested)
* Size: 11.6 MB
* Language: English
* Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
* Rated: 4+
* Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Description from the product page:

"When the usually rambunctious five little monkeys tell mama "We're bored. There is nothing to do!", mama cleverly responds "Oh yes there is" and enlists their help to clean the house for Grandma Beesie's visit. So enthusiastically they pick up their room, scrub the floors, beat the rugs, and run to the muddy swamp to pick berries for dessert. . . but when Grandma arrives and the five little monkeys proudly take her inside, they are all in for a big surprise. "Oh my!" "Oh dear!" "Oh no!" they exclaim. Children and parents alike will adore this silly story of five clumsy but well-intentioned little monkeys that don't always get things exactly right, but always have a good time doing it! "

Praise for "Five Little Monkeys With Nothing to Do":
- Top 10 in Paid Book Apps on App Store - July 2011
- "This story may prevent your kids from ever saying they are bored again." - AppAdvice.com

Picture below taken of Ben while we went through the book together on my iPad... I've never seen Ben so  engrossed and fascinated with the story, I guess maybe he recognised the same monkeys from the previous "Five Little Monkeys" app which I reviewed early June this year.

Ben pointing to the familiar objects and listening as the story was being narrated...

What's good?

* It is engaging and interactive and I love that we can also touch the objects in each page on the screen and the words pop out to tell you what it is!

* I like that the monkeys help out their mama (and I repeatedly hinted to Ben to help mummy too!) when they are bored and have nothing to do!

Ben was quite engrossed with this page, maybe because of the familiarity with our bathroom ;P

What's not so good?

* I would love to see the 5 little monkeys helping out to clean up the mess rather than the story ended the way it was. (I had to explain to Ben that we should not leave the house dirty and in a mess and must always always clean up everything)

You can purchase the "Five Little Monkeys With Nothing to Do" app from the iTunes App Store.

I received no monetary compensation for this review, I was provided with the promo code by the sponsor to redeem the application for free from iTunes Store in order to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed in this post are my own. Please do your own research when purchasing products, as your opinions may differ from mine. And if you'd like to read my previous iPad Apps reviews, you can do so by reading this post of mine called "My iPad App Reviews"

I Had 5 Different Spaghetti Meals For Lunch!

~ Posted on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 8:46 AM ~

Hubby suggested this place for lunch and I thought, "Oh heck, for RM14.90 (that's about USD5) to eat all I can, why not?!" so we head over to the "Secret of Louisiana" restaurant (after I called up to book a table) and try out the spaghetti meals!

Fact #1: I only had 2.5 plates out of 5 plates that we ordered and tasted a few bites of the other 2.5 plates...

Fact #2: It was for a "Eat All You Can Spaghetti" sets! So what else, eat all I can right?!! (Free refills for soup, vege salads and coffee/tea)

Fact #3: They got my name wrong! (I called in half an hour earlier to reserve a table and I guessed maybe the name 'Jenny' is not so common compared to ermmm.. 'Jane'?)

Below are the pictures taken of the spaghettis meals we ordered...

My first plate: Mexican Aglio Olive

Hubby's first plate: Carbonara Chicken

My 2nd plate: Creamy Pesto White Fish

Hubby's 2nd plate: Chicken Smoked Sausage

The last plate we shared: Chicken with Olive

Desserts: We had this yummy choc mint ice cream!

It was a nice lunch we had and honestly speaking, I enjoyed all the spaghettis served.  It was also the first time I ate olives! (shocking huh!) The portion was just nice, the service was good, the ambience was good and I love the deco in the restaurant too. We did had a bit of a difficulties at the beginning when we tried to look for the restaurant, but it was due to the place location and building setup actually.

Ben digging into his ice cream...

Overall, I will consider going to this place again, though I'm not sure whether I could stomach 5 2.5 plates of spaghetti meals after giving birth to Spicy Baby in September hahahah...

I Can Eat This Guitar All Day Long!

~ Posted on Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 8:31 AM ~